Join KIO

Join KIO

Why Join KIO

Become a Member

Keep Ireland Open is a fully voluntary organization, founded in 1994 we receive no Government funding and rely on Membership Subscriptions and Donations , to support our services , our Access Campaigns, Legal Fees , Access Case Applications to County Councils, Web Site Maintenance and Administration.  By becoming a registered member you show that there are people who care about Access. It gives us a strong body of support, when we talk to the Government, to County Councils and to Politicians. We will keep you up to date with Ireland’s Access Issues, with our Quarterly Ezine “Access Matters”. Join today to support our work. You can have annual membership for as little as €20  by Postal Cheque,  Credit Card, or  Bank Standing Order. We have Special Discounts for Walking  Group Memberships.(Minimum 10 members)

Active Membership

We depend on and are always looking for active members for reporting to us on local matters, such as closures o Public Rights of Way, usually due to unlawful developments. You can be our eyes and ears and can contribute to the County Development Plans. 
We require members in each county to scrutinize County Development Plans for Public Right of ways, that are or not listed in he five-year development plans. It is very important that we are notified and take action, where existing accepted right of way, which are not registered on the County pan are suddenly “Closed off”. If you think you can help in any way, please contact Robin Baily membership secretary
Also we would be delighted to include in our quarterly ezine, letters from members on any relevant issues, contact editor@keepingirelandopen.orgIn addition, if any member would like to communicate a letter or article in relation to KIO\Access matters, to other members, we will forward them on a BCC basis.
Robin Bailey – Membership Secretary – Keep Ireland Open
086 2209773   
43 Dun Emer Drive, 
Dublin 16   


Annual Subscription Rates: Individual €20 (unwaged €12). Group membership costs €5 per member (min €50 Max €150).

We need your support and that of your friends. 

To achieve our objectives we need to increase the number of members to show that there are people who care about access, so that we have a strong body of support when we talk to the Government, County Councils and politicians. We need members in every county to monitor and report local planning applications and developments that can interfere with access. It is interesting, important and worthwhile work. We appeal to you to join “Keep Ireland Open” today.

Our bulletin “Access Matters” will be sent regularly to members with email addresses and to others on request. 

You can join “ Keep Ireland Open “ using this membership application form and sending it to Robin Bailey, KIO Membership Secretary, 43 Dun Emer Drive, Dundrum, Dublin, D16FC42.

For Standing orders please bring this form to your Bank making sure you use the narrative box and post a copy of this form with your details to Robin Bailey Membership Secretary.

You can pay your membership in three ways.

1) By  Standing Order   

  • A recurring annual subscription facilitated by Pay Pal or Bank Order. Your annual membership will be automatically charged each year so you don’t need to worry about your membership running out.
  • A once – off payment of one year’s membership, which will need to be renewed by you in a years time in order to continue your membership.
  • iDonate – To give a once off or monthly donation using the iDonate plateform    click here

Download Keep Ireland Open Application Form

2) Cheque

For Cheque or Direct Debit / Money Transfer see the PDF or Word Application Form (download links at top of page)

If you want to join Keep Ireland Open please print and complete this membership form and send it to :

Robin Bailey,
Membership Secretary Keep Ireland Open,
43 Dun Emer Drive,
Dublin 16.


3) Online Payment Donation   

Annual Fees

Option 1: Individual €20

Option 2: Invididual unwaged €12

Group membership

Email us if you wish to set up a group membership.

It costs €5 per member so minimum €50 and maximum €150.

Groups must consist of at least 10 members and a maximum of 30 members.