Save Cobh’s Right of Way

Thursday, April 4th – 2024 saw the arrival, of the first cruise liner of the 2024 cruise season as in Ambition. It is a new season, but so far, there is no new beginning as far as the Port of Cork is concerned, and its ongoing proceedings, with a court case to permanently remove the community’s traditional Right of Way and being able to walk freely on The Deepwater Quay/Five Foot Way as they have done for generations.
2038 days and counting and keeping the gate open. We won’t be bullied or intimidated. We won’t go away.
So as long as the Port of Cork are still proceeding with a court case to permanently remove the community’s traditional Right of Way and being able to walk freely on The Deepwater Quay/Five Foot Way as they have done for generations the ongoing campaign will continue.
                                                                 Please sign the Petition
Port of Cork Company have applied to the Courts for a DECLARATION that there is NO public Right of Way on Deepwater Quay / the Five Foot Way in Cobh, they want to privatise it.
We need to protect what is, and has been, a public amenity for nearly 200 years.
You, and all visitors to our community, can help by signing the petition. Signing will send an email, in your name, to Cork County Council, the Port of Cork Company, Cobh Tourism, Cobh & Harbour Chamber of Commerce and to local media in support of this effort.

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